Happy Birthday, but with Stickers

By: Naomi J. Myrick, Stickers.com Staff Writer
Hey you! Happy Almost Birthday! The Christmas Eve like-anticipation is KILLING YOU. What’s waiting for you the next day? Presents. And being all around celebrated. Your Birthday is the same way, only it is YOURS. Today, I will show you some great birthday sticker ideas to try and share!
It’s My Birthday Memes

Memes are great and you can easily have your own printed on a vinyl sticker. Full color images will look great, too. So find your favorite Birthday meme and add some personalization. Hand out your stickers randomly or merely at your party.
Happy Birthday Invitation Stickers - Ready 2 Party

This tactic is especially effective at school or in college. This is because your friends can easily stick this reminder sticker to lockers, notebooks, laptops and dorm doors.
It’s My Birthday Month - And I’m Not Selfish

You’ve finally taken the whole dang month for yourself. Good for you. It was about time. Make sure your closest friends can help you celebrate by letting them know they have a whole four weeks to worship you. Print little crown-shaped stickers with “Birthday Month” on them or try your zodiacal sign in a nice die-cut sticker.
It’s My Birthday Today - Obviously

So, in this instance, you humbly accept your one and only day a year to feel great about yourself. No shame in that, and you can still let everyone know all about your cherished 24 hours of cake, ice cream and wonderful gifts.
It’s My Birthday Tomorrow - You Have 24 Hours

Unlike free lunch tomorrow, it really is your special day tomorrow and you need to let everyone know. Granted, it’s short notice, but hey, at least you tried. Effort is as effort does.
It’s My Birthday Next Year - Start Planning, Or Else

This sticker idea gives your kingdom an entire calendar year to prepare for your surprise party, dinner party or themed party. Hint: the theme is likely how awesome you are. How sweepingly generous to give ample time for them to gather your favorite food and drink.
I hope I Make it to My Next Birthday - I’m Old, But Not Dead

This is for aging people with a healthy sense of humor. You can make fun from finality with full color custom stickers. An Obi Wan style holographic sticker of Grandma also sends an eternal message of love, “I’m always here for you”. Aww.
Happy Heavenly Birthday - R.I.P. Angel Cakes

Along similar lines, sometimes it’s great to celebrate loved ones no longer indulging in earthly cake. Send stickers to family members to remind them of the good times with Auntie Nora, her awesome krumkake, coffee addiction and fine knitting skills. It’s like we’re back in old Norway already.
Happy Birthday Funny - Haha, You’re Old!

You can use a Links theme, ”You're not over the hill, you’re just on the back 9.” Or you could use some R.I.P gravestones for a 29th birthday. Infuse a personal, quirky sense of humor right onto a high quality sticker. Remember, we are laughing TOGETHER.